Poribar Unnayon Songstha (FDA)
Poribar Unnayon Songstha (FDA) is a socio-economic organization established in 1987 at Charfashan Upazila
of Bhola district.Late principal Nazrul Islam sir started the institution with a number of educated philanthr-opists modern minded energetic youth and civil society people.The organization has gained recognition as a well-established, reliable and welfare institution to people from the very poor to all levels through socio-economic activities.The organization is already conducting various social and economic development activities with government, private and international organizations. At present the institute has about 20 developmental projects going on.These activities are spread over entire Bhola district along with neighboring Barisal and Patuakhali districts.The organization has already been registered by Directorate of Social Services, Bureau of NGO Affairs, Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA), Directorate of Youth Development and Directorate of Women Affairs and the organization acquired the status as an affiliate of Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) in 1992.